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Disable Profanity Filtering
An option to enable or disable profanity filtering when using auto captioning would be useful. Currently when a swear word or something similar is detected it will auto caption as [inaudible].
Being able to see these words is helpful in situations related to theater and literature related courses/videos where students who rely on captions need to understand the material this covered and this removing of certain words from captioning can affect the overall experience.
It would be helpful if this was a feature that could be managed on a video by video basis so that those who would like to keep the filtering option will still have that available.
Thank you for your consideration.
I would like to chime in to request this feature as well. In addition to all the reasons that Catherine stated above for retaining accurate captioning of spoken words, automatic profanity filtering on video content is a huge pet peeve of the d/Deaf community (of which I am a member) because it is infantalizing, misleading, and confusing. The audio is not bleeped, so the captions shouldn't be either. In my opinion, the ability to toggle the filter should be modifiable at the video and folder level by those with Creator role. More end user choices will result in more accessible content.