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SOAP API update user details
in API
I'm successfully using the following SOAP API xml code (copied from one of Nedim Deliahmetovic post).
I want to be able to change some users details like email address, last name etc'. What are the changes that I need to do ?
Hello Alon,
You can use the IUserManagement.UpdateContactInfo SOAP API endpoint to update contact information about a user including their first name, last name, and email address. You can either call this on your own user, or if you are a Panopto Administrator, you can call this API on any Panopto user in your site.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Kevin,
Thank you for help. I used UpdateContactInfo endpoint and I’m getting error (see attached xml and response)
Hi Alon,
A quick look at the XML you sent, and I noticed that the
field is missing. That field is required so we know which user to update the contact information for.Please try adding the
field and see if that resolves your issue.Thanks,
Hi Kevin,
I copied the "userId" detail from the response to "ListUsers" and I still get the same error.
What I'm actually want is to update the <EmailSessionNotifications>True</EmailSessionNotifications>. I wonder if you can you test it and if it worked send me the actual xml body that I should use.
Hi Kevin,
I managed to do it. The problem accrued because I added </User> before the parameters.
Thank you.