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Streamline Use of Panopto in Canvas Discussions

edited April 2024 in Feature Requests

A student may choose to use the Panopto video link in the text editor in Canvas Discussions at any time during a course. The teacher may or may not be a Panopto user. The teacher may be willing to have students post videos, pictures, etc. in a discussion but not know how that will happen. Anytime anyone in a Canvas course records or adds a video with Panopto inside a Discussion, it should automatically be stored in a folder inside the Panopto course folder that has the proper permissions so all those in the course can view the videos in that discussion. This needs to be separate from Panopto Assignment Submission folders which most probably house private student submissions. They system should handle these two use cases (Discussion posts and Assignment Submissions) separately. Discussions by nature are between students and teachers in a course. There should never be the need for a student to know where to put the video they record or upload in a Discussion by hunting for a folder in a complex hierarchy. Likewise, asking faculty to create and change permissions on folders is not sustainable at scale. For this to be used widely, it can't come with lots of instructions to follow for teachers and students. It should work more like the Canvas built-in media Recorder button in the text editor - where no one needs to know how it works or where to save a video, or is required to make permissions changes. That should all be handled transparently to all users.

2 votes

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  • As long as they are using the LTI to embed the media they record, it should automatically give access to view in Panopto to those who have access in the discussion in Canvas. This all happens as they encounter the embed in Canvas and should work no matter where thing things are stored.

    As far as the location of the video, unless students were given access to record in the root course folder, the modal to select/record/upload media in Panopto should have the students My Folder (as long as they have one) selected when they open it. This is preferred (to me) as then no one other than the student will have access to edit, and matches what happens in Canvas internal tools (the videos/files are stored under the students profile, not under the course files).

    I think you would really only want individuals to view the media in context (with the discussion in Canvas), so I think it makes sense to not have them stored under the course folder, but maybe I'm wrong.

  • We don't make a My Folder for students, and unless an instructor has created an Assignment folder (and tweaked Permissions) I don't think a student would have anywhere to save the video file so all students could view it. Allowing all students to have a My Folder is an option we were cautioned against when implementing Panopto as we are only using it inside Canvas and do not have student support staffing for all students using Panopto. If a My Folder is required to make things work properly, it should not be a recommended option to not give it to student users (for higher ed). What I'm ultimately advocating for is a streamlined method that just works in discussions behind the scenes so less sophisticated users have no support issues.

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