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Limiting Panopto Access to a Canvas Sub-Account
What is the best way to connect Panopto to Canvas so that Panopto is only available for particular sub-accounts/courses? From what I've read, it seems to be the entire Canvas instance, or nothing. But for our business model we need to limit the scope/access of Panopto. Is there a workaround here?
Hi Brian,
A Panopto Administrator can set the specific sub-account or sub-accounts that should be integrated with Panopto in the Identity Provider Settings for your Canvas Identity Provider. You can enter one or more sub-account IDs in the Account ID field for the Canvas Identity Provider, and that should limit which courses Panopto is integrated with.
For more information, please see our support article for How to Set Up the Canvas Integration for LTI 1.3, section 2.6.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,