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Filter the library by videos that have quizzes added to them

As part of research into the application of interactive elements in video, the question arose within this university to be able to filter in Panopto for videos to which quizzes have been added. Currently, this does not seem to be possible.
Hi @Huub den Ouden,
Can you please clarify if you are looking to filter the whole library by seeing only videos with quizzes (or ones without quizzes)? Or are you looking to have this feature be available in the editor when you are adding a clip to a video and you want to know which clips you are adding have quizzes?
Hello @Mackenzie Busby
My question is about the ability to filter in the whole library to see which videos have added quizzes to them. What would be even better is to be able to search in specific folders for this kind of content.
Have a nice day
Thank you for clarifying! I have updated the wording of this request slightly to make sure it is clear to our team. We will look into this, as updating our search and filtering capabilities is actively being worked on.