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Panopto Not Recording Screen on MacBook Air
This is a little time sensitive because a project is due.
My wife was trying to record a presentation assignment with panopto last night, but she could not record her screen. We tried removing and the reinstalling the app, resetting her laptop, and even followed the instructions to give panopto permission to do screen recordings. All these attempts failed
I am assuming in order to record here screen the built in display should be selected so that the power point presentation can be recorded. That option I grayed out and not selectable.
If there is something I am missing please let me know!
We really need help with this and need the app to work so she can turn in her assignment. Please note, we are using the non-browser recorder per the professor’s instructions.
My wife was trying to record a presentation assignment with panopto last night, but she could not record her screen. We tried removing and the reinstalling the app, resetting her laptop, and even followed the instructions to give panopto permission to do screen recordings. All these attempts failed
I am assuming in order to record here screen the built in display should be selected so that the power point presentation can be recorded. That option I grayed out and not selectable.
If there is something I am missing please let me know!
We really need help with this and need the app to work so she can turn in her assignment. Please note, we are using the non-browser recorder per the professor’s instructions.
I have yet to personally see that option be grayed out, but if you haven't already, I'd recommend trying to update the app. If that doesn't work, the IT folks at the institution should be able to assist directly or connect you with Panopto Support to assist.
This page also has some info about supported versions, if you haven't checked that already: