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Blackboard LTI folder navigation consistancy

On the current LTI interface, the only way to navigate through folders is to click on the folder icon and search. We use a folder hierarchy where some videos can be used across multiple courses etc in a folder above this. This means you need to search for the folder, rather than simply going on it.

Whereas with the full Panopto website, you get the option to move up a folder level. This would be great if we could have the up-a-level button in the LTI interface as well. It would save a lot of time and help make a more consistent experience for our users.

1 votes

Already Offered · Last Updated


  • There is actually already a site setting for this:

  • Mackenzie BusbyMackenzie Busby Administrator

    Thank you for pointing this out, Michael!

    @ADMIN Louis Pliskin If you are looking to enable this behavior, please use the setting mentioned above. I will be marking this request as "Already Offered." Please reach out to your Panopto representative if you have any questions about this setting.

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