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Panopto for Mac... Is it still in Beta?
Hi there! I recently conducted a workshop for faculty re: Panopto and a question was posed by an attendee as to whether or not Panopto for Mac was still in Beta or is the current iteration "better". I use Panopto for Windows exclusively, so I couldn't shed any light as to where the Mac version currently stands.
Any thoughts or input?
The macOS client itself is not in beta, however, there is a feature that has been in "beta" for quite a while. Specifically, the "Capture Computer Audio" feature can be used and is reliable in my own testing, but is technically still in "beta":
I am not sure what sort of issues the user had experienced previously to prompt the question if the software was now "better" but there have been a few issues over the last few years around iCloud storage (when the user points the app to store data in a location that lives in the iCloud) and permissions which are typically quick to resolve.