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Primary source swap available for PDF/PPT and free movement within them during a video feed.

edited July 25 in Feature Requests

It would be nice to be able to switch sources around with this button (pictured below) between a PDF/PPT and an alternate source - currently it only works if the secondary source is another video (or audio) file. Furthermore, a PPT/PDF can be attached, yes, however the process only works if the PDF is time-indexed to a specific frame in the video. I'd like to see the PDF be freely scrollable during a presentation as well.

So, two asks:
-Switch sources no matter what kind of media is loaded (two or more sources)

-Free form scrolling/interaction with PDFs (PPTs too if not so already)

It would also be nice if the PPT/PDF upload options were in one spot, as to upload a PDF I have to go to Settings→Streams→upload PDF but for slides, Edit→Slides→ add a presentation. These are in completely different areas and it is not super intuitive.

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