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Have certain folder settings cascade from parent to child folders
Our Disability Resource Center often has the need to professionally caption videos in existing folders that are already established. Some of these folders have lots and lots of subfolders. As it stands right now, if they change the caption settings on the parent folder, that does not cascade down to all the child subfolders. So our DRC staff has to take a ton of time to go into each subfolder to adjust the caption setting. This is not the best use of their time. It would be wonderful if a setting could be made to allow parent folder settings (specifically related to captioning) to cascade to existing and new subfolders.
Hi Josh - The University of Auckland also has this situation, and our team has just manually updated over 200 subfolders to turn off autocaptions. We have a feature request around this exact issue, and would love if you would like to support it! FR-4853
Kind regards
Even if we were able to set this setting via API, that would work for me. Needing to do it via the UI is unsustainable for any environment with more than a handful of users.