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I would like to get the video status from panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx, is that possible?

edited August 8 in API

I need to get the status of the video from viewer.aspx, not from emebed api. Is there a way? Or is there a way to get the layout of the viewer from emebed?

Best Answers

  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee
    Answer ✓


    There is no programmatic access to our full viewer page. We provide the Embed API for customization instead. May I ask what specific status you are trying to get?



  • Answer ✓

    We are using the viewer by wrapping it in an iframe.
    Video Status I want to get the video status such as puase, play, etc. like emebed api.


  • @Kevin Baum - We also have some use cases where it would be helpful to embed the full interactive web viewer instead of just the embed player through the Embed API. This would mainly be within the LMS (Canvas) but would also be useful when sharing with a custom Drupal tool that we've developed.

    We have a good bit of content that is best consumed in the full viewer so it would be great if we were able to offer that out of the box.

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