Moodle link to media library folder request

The current (2024) Moodle plugin allows us to embed the course's media library into Moodle but has two drawbacks. 1) It takes up too much screen real estate on the main Moodle course page, and 2) it doesn't display a text field which can be then edited to describe the content it is displaying.
In previous versions of the Moodle plugin, we were able to link to the media library folder without needing to choose a media library item. This folder link would show up on the Moodle page as a simple link rather than an embedded view. This link was editable, and provided a way to visually identify that this was a Panopto media library link with the Panopto icon. Once the link was clicked on, the activity block would then show the embedded view in a separate window. Our current workaround is to use a Moodle URL activity block to link to the media library, which is not ideal, as we want to indicate Panopto media links with the Panopto icon, which is a great visual indicator that the link is media-related.
I would suggest that the Moodle plugin be reworked in the same manner as a Moodle Page activity block, where a user can edit the display/title, have an optional description field that can be chosen to display on the course page, then have a content area, which would display the embedded folder view. An option to embed the content in the main Moodle course view might be helpful for some users, but the current auto-embed into the main course view is not the preferred default choice.
Hi Tony,
thank you for your feedback, these are valuable insights.
Kind regards
Thanks for checking in Evelin.
We tried the Embed Course Tool, which has the embedded view on the main Moodle course page.
The Panopto block plugin at had previously been able to embed a folder without having to choose content, but currently does not have that ability. It also embedded the folder, but was hidden from the main course, and had an editable title, which was very helpful.
We definitely don't want to add a block automatically for each course, as the majority of the courses we build every semester don't use the Panopto media block.