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REST API to archive content and retrieve content that has been archived
As it currently stands we can do lots of things with the API in terms of moving content, getting IDs deleting content etc, which is incredibly powerful and useful for our workflows and allows us to manage our content easily.
However, the API is not able to do anything with archived content. The API treats the archived video as invisible, and we cannot automate archiving without using a retention policy. We cannot unarchive at appropriate moments, and we cannot delete content that has been archived, even if we have a legal obligation to do so (without doing it per video in the UI or having a folder policy).
We believe that archived video should just show the same as normal video, but without a playback url and an archived:true parameter.
Hi @ADMIN Louis Pliskin,
We recently added support for retrieving Usage Reports to our REST API:
The "System folder storage" and "System session storage" reports both include archived sessions as noted here. Can you please confirm if you are able to retrieve the information you are looking for with this option?
Hi @Mackenzie Busby,
Sure we can look to see if those do the reporting side of things. But we really could do with the ability to delete and move etc like we can with all other Panopto content with the API.