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Auth Token for SOAP API

End goal is to be able to download a usage report by ReportID

I am using the AUTH.svc and USAGEREPORTING.svc APIs to auth. I have tried with both an admin username and password and an API id and secret both return false and no token or data is returned. What am I missing?


  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Michael,

    If you are using the SOAP API, you would only be sending user credentials, and would not use the API Client ID or Client Secret. The SOAP API also will not return a token for use. If you use the IAuth.LogOnWithPassword method to try to log in, it should return true if the login is successful, along with an authentication cookie you can add to future SOAP API requests for that user. If you are adding credentials to the Auth section of a call to the IUsageReporting API endpoints, then no cookie will be returned, and just that specific call should be authorized.

    Are you using an internal Panopto admin (using the user name and password to log into the Panopto site), or are you using an SSO user (logging in through a SAML or LMS provider instead) to access the SOAP API? Depending on which type of user you are using, the login method can be different, since Panopto has no knowledge of your SSO password, and you would instead need to use IAuth.LogOnWithExternalProvider, passing in your user name with the Panopto ID Provider instance name pre-pended (i.e. canvas\UserName) and instead of sending a password, you would want to construct the authorization code using your Panopto site name, the ID Provider's Application Key, and your user key.

    Please let me know what kind of user you are trying to authenticate with, and I can help investigate this further for you.



  • Many thanks for the reply. I am actually doing this inside Microsoft Azure Logic Apps. I have the report id and am just trying to download automatically without a user logging in.

    I have tried the IUSageReporting.GetReport with just passing the user name and password - it is a local user so am passing (canvas\[email protected]) and the password. I still get failure when trying to connect. It fluctuates between a 500 error code and it directs me to look at the server logs. We are hosted so not sure how to get those. and then some attempts return result false

    Many thanks


  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Mike,

    I see your user name has "canvas" pre-pended to it. Is the user you are using a Canvas user, or a Panopto internal user? Do they log into Panopto with a user name and password directly, or log in through Canvas?

    If they are logging into Panopto directly, you can just use the bare user name (i.e. [email protected]) with their password to authenticate them. Otherwise, please make sure you are not sending their Canvas login password, but instead send the calculated authentication code (as described here: IAuth.LogOnWithExternalProvider).

    Please let me know if neither of those items work for you, or if you have any other questions.



  • Progress I think :)

    After passing just the user name and pwd without the canvas i got a different error in repsonse to get report with the report id

    The error response body was not a valid SOAP error response. The response body was: '<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"><s:Body><GetReportResponse xmlns=\"http://tempuri.org/\"/></s:Body></s:Envelope>

  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Michael,

    In order to help you further with this API call, I'll need some additional specific information on the calls you are making. Would you please have your POC open a ticket with Panopto Support, so that I can look into this further?

    Please let me know if you have any questions.



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