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Allow Folder/Video Sharing UI to show all sharing permissions available to the user

Currently when a user shares a subfolder or content within a folder the share UI will only show the level(s) of permissions available based on the permissions or inherited permissions. Particularly for items with inherited permissions it would be useful to see all permissions to the user but offer a warning, i.e. the warning displayed when you manually stop inheriting permissions.

This would limit confusion by users seeing all possible sharing options and being prompted to confirm if they make a selection that violates the current parent setting.

Our specific use case was related to someone trying to share content with another user to let the recipient embed via LTI. The content was a subfolder of their My Folder and inheriting permissions, so they could only see "viewer" or "viewer with link", and could not add the recipient as a Creator until they manually changed the parent folder to stop inheriting permissions from the My Folder. Showing all possible sharing permissions (based on their role) with a prompt to change inheritance if needed would have been more intuitive.

2 votes

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  • It sounds like they are trying to add the user to individual videos as a creator and that isn't possible today. There should be an existing feature request for that, but I can't seem to find it right now.

  • They were actually sharing a folder in this case, but the folder was inheriting permissions form it's parent folder which happened to be a My Folder.

  • I have had this same frustration. It can be maddening.

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