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Configure Panopto block in Moodle course exception error

Dear Community, I need some help with and Issue we are experiencing at our Moodle site. For some users when they try to configure the Panopto block in their Moodle course, clicking the button causes an Exception error → Call to a member function getMessage() on null.

We need help identifying and solving this error. We tried to update the plugin and the Moodle site but its still happening. Also we tried deleting the users with the error, but the error popped up again for the same users after recreation. (SIS imported users)

We also noticed that this error somehow connected to users because they have this error at any course.

We compared the users with this error with those who don't have problems. In our databaseses there are no difference. We need help looking into the plugin to see what causes this error.

Screenshots attached.

Moodle info:

Our moodle version is 4.1.10 (Build: 20240422), but we have this error since 4.1.5,

panopto version is 2024012500, (also error with 2023091800)

PHP Version 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.18


  • We are on Moodle 4.1.10 as well though we have a newer Panopto block 2024070900 and I've never seen this problem. We want to offer Panopto to all our courses so we add the block as part of a template and it's added to every course without instructors needing to do so themselves. You're sure all your instructors, or whatever roles are adding the block, have the appropriate permissions?

    But I think at this point you need to contact Support to see if they can diagnose the issue. There are some debugging options in the block settings (Redirect Error Logs to a Text File and Print Verbose Logs) that may be helpful. I believe the text file just sits in the root of your Moodle code directory.

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