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Panopto Student Submission – Group submission in Moodle

Many times videos are made as a group work. Therefore it would be logical that they could also submit it as a group submission into Panopto Student Submission folder and get a grade as a group in the gradebook. I think there has been a request for this earlier, but I could not find it with the search.

2 votes

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  • This is already sort of possible using groups in Moodle. Create groups for the assignment, add them to a grouping, create an assignment. Use group mode: separate groups in the assignment and select the grouping. Students submit online text in the Moodle text editor using the Panopto text editor plugin. All students in the group will be able to view and edit the submission because that's how group mode works.

    You could also do this as a Forum with separate groups.

    If you're not using the LTI text editor plugin this might not work. The way we have Moodle and Panopto configured, anyone who can "see" a video embed in Moodle is added to a UUID-named group in Panopto with viewing permissions. So all members of the group need to do is be able to see (in an assignment submission or forum post) the video and they have viewer access to it in Panopto without the creator needing to know who to share it with.

    It might also be possible to make students share their video with their group in Panopto but that seems tedious and some students will surely do it wrong.

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