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Batch reset videos

Hi all,

When a new semester starts I like to restore my videos to clean out all the previous semester’s stuff. Specifically I like to clear all quiz results and clear/delete all posts to each video’s forum/comment section. That way if a student has a problem I can easily find their info without scrolling through hundreds of other student’s quiz results and I can know which questions on the video discussions I should deal with. Doing this manually for each of my 70 or so videos is…tedious to say the least. Here is my question:

  1. is there an automated or non API way to go through and batch reset or reset all videos in such a way?
  2. If not, can it be done through the API? I am not exactly a programmer, but I have written some canvas API scripts (with help) and as long as it isn’t too complicated I should be able to manage it as long as I know what entries I should be looking for or changing.



  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Joshua,

    We do not have a public API available to clear out quiz results, comments, or discussions from Panopto videos. There is a SOAP API that can be used to delete a specific note added to a video, but there is not a way to delete all notes using the API.

    Depending on which LMS you are using, and how it has been configured, it may be possible to use Panopto's Course Copy feature. This can be set to run automatically when you copy a course in your LMS or it can be used manually to copy videos from one folder to another, creating reference copies of those videos that do not contain any of the previous quiz results, comments, discussions, or notes. You can find more information about Course Copy on our support site (https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Learn-About-Course-Copy-V2). If you have any questions about Course Copy, or setting it up, please have your POC reach out to Panopto Support to open a ticket there.

    I hope that this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.



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