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API endpoint to list caption tracks for a specific session.

edited October 3 in API

The REST OpenAPI specs show endpoints for adding caption tracks and deleting all caption tracks for a session or deleting caption tracks by language. I'd also like a REST endpoint that lists the caption tracks that have been uploaded into a Panopto session, including the language associated with each caption track.

Tracking the http network calls when signed into Panopto in the browser,

{begin edit} there is an internal endpoint that appears to return the results we're looking for {end edit}

but it requires the AUTHASPX cookie, and we'd prefer to obtain the list of caption tracks for our sessions programmatically via a REST API call using a valid OAuth access token.


Best Answer

  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi Scott,

    Our public REST API does not currently offer the ability to get a list of caption tracks available for a session, however, I have added that to our REST API feature request list for the future. I'm unable to give an estimate of when that will be added but I will bring it up internally to our product management team.

    The APIs you are referencing are not public APIs and are only used internally by Panopto. Those APIs are subject to change at any time and their use is unsupported for custom applications or integrations.

    I hope this helps, and will make sure to bring this request to our product team's attention.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.




  • edited October 3

    Yes, that certainly helps. Thank you, we appreciate it. I modified my original post to remove references to the internal api endpoint, and we'll look forward to when the external public-facing one for listing caption tracks via the REST API becomes available.

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