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Video custom page inquiry
When inserting a panopto video in a moodle course
Access the panopto page through lti and do not select the video.
I plan to create a separate panopto video page and insert the video into moodle from there.
But is this possible?
If you look at the mdl_lti table,
The value in the instructorcustomparameters field is
The author comes in this format.
This is a value passed from panopto, so I don’t know how to save it.
Hi Kim,
How do you plan to insert a video? Maybe you can use our official plugins for that use in Moodle.
Based on your editor of choice (and Moodle version) we have plugins for both Atto and TinyMCE LTI plugins that can insert videos in Moodle from Panopto.
Let me know if that works for you or you would like to explore other options.
Thanks in advance,