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GetFoldersList SOAP API returns stale infomation

Hi Team,

We create panopto recordings for multiple recorders at the same time. During which we create a folder if the folder name does not exist and add the recordings to that folder. Suppose there are two requests for the same folder name within a 1 min gap. For the first request, we invoke GetFoldersList to check if a folder exists since it does not exist we create a new folder. Then for the second request, if we invoke GetFoldersList for the folder name it should return the folder information but the folder created is not being retrieved. It takes 1 or 2 mins for the created folder to be returned in GetFoldersList. I have deleted the folder manually and tried GetFoldersList SOAP API but still the folder details were retrieved. It takes 1 or 2 mins for the folder changes to get reflected in GetFoldersList SOAP API. Is the information being cached?





  • I think this is just an issue with the search database in Panopto as you can do the same thing manually through the UI and have the exact same results. (I've complained about that issue several times.)

    Essentially the DB which handles search queries isn't updated instantly so you have to wait 1-2 minutes for folders or sessions which are created or renamed to appear.

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