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VOD Hour Stats

We should able to quickly & easily see how many VOD hours are currently being used by a department without having to print out a report. If Panopto is going to limit folks to 450 VOD hours, then it should be lot easier to see how many VOD hours are being used. It should be available in folder stats.

2 votes

Already Offered · Last Updated

To gather high-level license data for your Panpoto site, please refer to the License Plan page: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Learn-About-the-License-Plan To see stats at a folder (or department folder) level, please review the folders analytics: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Statistics-at-Site-Folder-Session-level If you are looking for more detailed analytics and charts, we recommend reaching out to your account manager to further discuss Panopto's Knowledge Insights feature: https://www.panopto.com/product-add-ons/knowledge-insights/

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