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Panopto API/Technical Questions with MyPostings 2.0

We have received a request to create/ authorize a "Server Application (Client Credentials Grant)" client. The email request is attached.We have a couple of questions:

1. How will this API affect our overall account?

2. Since I am unfamiliar with this how will it be used?

3. In the request they are asking for about a USD one account or an External account what is your suggestion?Thank you for your help with this.

TrentonOriginal RequestWe are working on MyPostings 2.0, which is basically a rework of the existing MyPostings system. We are also trying to set various API keys/client secrets for web platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.). The only pending technical setup we have left is for Panopto. Would you be able to share insight on this? (Please let me know if I should contact anyone else.)We don't have a Panopto account to begin with - but per this Panopto support article, it appears we need an account (or at least whoever owns the "Admin" account) to generate a Client Secret / API client - here are our questions:

#1a. Do we need to have a "USD Web Services" Panopto account to proceed, or can we rely on whoever has the Admin account?#1b. If we need our own account, do we need to use a USDOne account (webteam@or do we need an individual's USDOne?), or can we use an external account (usdwebservices@

#2. If it's best for the admin to create the API client, per that same Panopto support article, we would need a "Server Application (Client Credentials Grant)" client.


  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Tyrone,

    I am happy to try to answer any questions you have about this integration. I'm not familiar with your MyPostings system, but can try to answer your general questions.

    Using the public APIs shouldn't affect your account with regard to billing or anything similar. All Panopto customers are able to use our public APIs for what they need. Since I'm not familiar with the system you are integrating, I'm unable to say how it will be used, but in general our public APIs are used to get information on sessions, users, and folders, as well as download analytic reports, upload new videos to Panopto, or modify session, folder, user, or permissions information. The API client is used to access our public REST APIs, which use OAuth2 access tokens for authorization.

    I would suggest using a User-Based Server Application client, since a Server Application client cannot be used with most Panopto API endpoints. The Server Application clients are generally limited to a very small subset of our APIs, mostly with remote recorders. Usually, I would recommend that you create a Panopto internal user for API access rather than using an external user. You can create an Administrator level user if they integration requires access to all folders and videos, or a lower-level user if you don't need the integration to access all of the data available in Panopto. You can use an external user if you'd like, as long as they have the correct permissions in Panopto.

    I hope that this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.



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