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Getting session id from delivery id
The challenge I’m facing is that I need to query additional information, which, as far as I can tell from the API documentation, is only accessible if the session ID is known. While a search using the delivery ID via the API retrieves public information such as the embed link or thumbnail, I also need details like audio transcripts.
Is there a way to retrieve the session ID using the delivery ID?
Hi Oliver,
We do not currently have any APIs that also display the session ID. All of our public APIs (both the SOAP and REST endpoints) should use the delivery ID to identify a specific video.
We do not currently have an API to download the audio transcriptions, but the Sessions API should include a link to download captions if the user has permission to do so and the video has captions in it. Would that work for your purposes?
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Kevin,
thanks for you reply. I dont have access to the session id in my specific case thats why the session api wont work unfortunatly. I may have found a rather hacky solution but im not sure if this is something stable enough for production. I can get a session id the following way:
This works until panopto changes the naming scheme for thumbnail folders. Can i use this solution or is it possible for panopto to provide a new API endpoint that provides this functionality?
Hi Oliver,
The Sessions API linked above uses the delivery ID for the
parameter in the query. All of our public APIs should take in a delivery ID when getting video information for a session, and should not use the session ID unless it is explicitly mentioned. Can you please try using the delivery ID as theid
parameter in that call and see if that works for you?I do not recommend relying on the structure or format of any of our internal URLs, as those may change at any time without notice.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.