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No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI


I was trying to run a POST /api/v1/scheduledRecordings request but I got the following 404 error:

No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://xxxxx.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/api/v1/scheduledRecordings'.

I don't know what is wrong. I wish I can get more details about the error.

For a test, I used similar to request GET /api/v1/folders/search?searchQuery=test and I get some result about my folders back so I suppose my authorisation and set up is all right?

I also tried requesting GET /api/v1/remoteRecorders/search?searchQuery=test and I get some valid results too.

I wonder what is wrong with my scheduledRecordings request.

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  • Answer ✓

    I just realised that I didn't provide the resolveConflicts param in the query. Silly me. I added it back and it works fine.

    But I would have expected a different error message and not a 404 error for missing a required parameter.

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