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An API that automatically merges a specified video into the beginning of all uploaded videos

Hello Panopto members

Is there an API that can automatically stitch a video that I have prepared in advance on Panopto to the beginning of all uploaded videos?

<Additional Information>
*This was a question received from a university that is currently making a proposal.

*The university would like to prepare an explanatory video regarding copyright in advance and attach it to the beginning of videos that will be uploaded to Panopto in the future.

*I am aware that Panopto has a standard function that allows you to display text at the beginning.


  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Hi Tsutomu,

    I think this should be supported by our UploadAPI (https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Upload-API)

    You can achieve this functionality by utilizing Panopto's Upload API in conjunction with the Universal Capture Specification (UCS).


    1. Prepare a Session Manifest: Create a session manifest XML file that defines the structure of your video session. In this manifest, specify your pre-existing video as the initial segment, followed by the content of the newly uploaded video. This setup ensures that when the session is processed, the pre-existing video plays at the beginning.
    2. Upload Media Files: Use the Upload API to upload both the pre-existing video and the new video content as specified in the session manifest. Ensure that the filenames in the manifest match the uploaded files exactly to maintain synchronization.
    3. Complete the Upload Process: After uploading all necessary files, finalize the upload to prompt Panopto to process the session accordingly.

    Let me know if you have additional questions.



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