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How to get the viewing URL of an uploaded session
Hello, I'm working on an integration that can upload videos into our on-prem Panopto instance. I can't find a way to get a viewing URL from the upload information here:
FolderId* string($guid) The ID of the folder containing the session. Required when creating a new session upload SessionId string($guid) The ID of the session created for this upload. This will be empty or null until the session has been created UploadTarget string Location where the session files should be uploaded
Best Answer
Adis Hrnjica Crackerjack
Hi Sam,
We cannot convert unfortunately. In your case you might be better of with another endpoint which also returns viewer url.This is session search endpoint and you can query using session id that you get from the upload api.
The result should contain your session, and it should have viewer url as well.
I hope this helps.
Hi Sam,
After you complete the upload, you can call session API to get full information about the session including ViewerURL
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Is the
from here the same as theid
here?Hi Sam,
They are different.
ID that you use when you want to get session information is actually Delivery ID, and not a Session ID.
ID that you get from session upload is Session ID.
In the Panopto web app, if you go to the settings for a video, and click on Manage you can see those IDs.
I hope this helps.
Is there anyway to convert one from the other in the API?
Is there a guide to Panopto's data model somewhere? There are a lot of different IDs.
That's the answer I ended up with as well. Thanks for all the help, Adis!
Hi Sam,
If you are more comfortable with the SOAP API and you have the Session ID, you should be able to use the ISessionManagement.GetSessionsById method:
Each Session has a ViewerUrl property.