Authentication to play non-public video without login or cookie
Hey there! I am currently working on a REST API solution and would like to provide non-public videos via the REST API for our registred wordpress users (no SSO or similiar is possible). Establishing the connection, folder lists and also the generation of the videos works fine in my prototypes. However, during my research in the forums and docs I came across the fact that Panopto does not provide authentication for viewing protected videos without owning an own account. It seems that a manual login is necessary to obtain authentication either as a user-based token (if cookies are deactivated in the browser) or as a cookie.
However, our use case now is that we want to provide protected videos to a user base registered on our platform from our institutional panopto instance. We do not have the option of a single sign-on or similar and university accounts for external users are also out of the question. The use case is very specific - external users, registred on a wordpressplatform need to have access to non-public videos without owning an panopto account or getting the login cookies for some kind of service account. Setting the videos on public or public (only with link) is due to protection of the videos not possible.
Is there a way to view non-public videos from Panopto via an authentication token or similar without a separate Panopto account and login?
best regards,
Hi Marc,
I don't think Panopto REST API currently have this ability. I propose that you create a feature request so it can be considered in the future development.
I hope this helps.