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trying to obtain Access token through OAuth2 using python, getting inconsistent result

it was working sometimes and stopped working altogether.

I used the API client creeated on panopto website using my admin account and try to get the access token so that I can continue my work on making a small program to obtain videos as backup for the teachers. unfortunately have been continuously trying but access token is none or empty all the time, and showing invalid_client as an error here is my implementation



  • Hello.

    Thank you for reaching out. If possible, could you share the token URL you are using?
    Also, the scope should be set to 'api'. If you could try with these params and let us know?

  • https://pntdev1.hku.hk/Panopto/oauth2/connect/token
    not sure if this is what you mean by the token url

  • DEFAULT_SCOPE = ('openid', 'api')

    this is my definition of DEFAULT_SCOPE on my end

  • Can you please help, thanks

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