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Get GUID for scheduled reports via REST api

SOAP allows us to schedule reports, get scheduled reports, get adhoc report, and download report.

Is it possible to get a list of reports via the REST API? I don't need to schedule them as they are daily reports. Just get the current set of guids


Best Answer

  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack
    Answer ✓

    Hi Brian,

    That is true, REST API has get report by ID but currently there is no way to get the IDs from any available REST APIs.
    We have plans to add it in the future.

    I hope this helps.




  • Looking at API docs, I found

    But no way to get the id

  • I seem to recall that you can only get the ID of a report by scheduling the report via the API. Then you can store and later use it to retrieve it.

    I may be misremembering though.

  • Yes, but so far as I know via SOAP api you can schedule and also get the guid for any recurring or one off reports.

    But not sure why the REST api has get report by guid when there is no way to get the guids. Was wondering if I missed something.

  • @Adis Hrnjica , then why build that API call?

    What possible use does "get report by ID" have without a list of IDs?

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