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Low latency / WebRTC for webstreaming

The latency of RTSP and the browser playback can be in excess of 30 seconds at times, which isn't ideal for live streaming.

Would it be possible to explore a WebRTC or other similar technology to get the stream latency down to <10 seconds?

3 votes

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  • I remember there was a proof of concept for a WebRTC streaming solution in the Panopto Capture recorder, but it was fairly short lived from what I remember. Honestly, I don't see them trying it again, but I'd love to see a low-latency option. Our use of webcasts is very limited because it is difficult to get captions on, the long latency, and the lack of audience interaction options. If there was a better way to consume a Q&A/reactions, had a bit better latency, and we had an option to POST captions (similar to YouTube), I could see webcasts being used a lot more.

  • Tom LynchTom Lynch Crackerjack

    It's needed to keep Panopto relevant other products seem to have this from what I can tell.

    Your point on captions reminds me of that, I've raised another request.

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