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Issue Retrieving More Than 50 Videos & Recursive Subfolder Enumeration via REST API

We are currently using the REST API to list all video IDs within a folder. However, we are encountering the following issues:

1.Video Limit: The API call returns a maximum of 50 videos, even when the folder contains more.

2.Subfolder Enumeration: We are unable to recursively enumerate subfolders to retrieve additional video IDs.Could you please clarify whether this behavior is expected on our instance?

Is our REST API up to date, or are there additional parameters or endpoints we should be using to retrieve all video IDs (including those in subfolders)?


  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Hi Alain,

    Can you please send me details which exact endpoint you are calling and some sample parameters so I can review those.

    Thanks so much.


  • Vegard WallinVegard Wallin Crackerjack

    Use the pageNumber parameter, and it will work. Like it says in the docs:

    To fetch all elements, this endpoint can be called multiple times, starting at pageNumber = 0 and incrementing the page number until no results are returned.

    It works for me with the folders/{id}/sessions endpoint, and I' sure the one for folders (children) works the same way.

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