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Set language of folder for captioning

We run courses in different languages, and would like to be able to set the language of a folder automatically. We know the language the course runs in, so if we could pass this to Panopto as part of our annual course creation this would be great. Otherwise we will have to manually change the folder language.

4 votes

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  • Are you thinking that this would be something you'd want to do via the API, or would that be an attribute that you'd want pulled through the "Course Copy" feature? I don't think I tested the course copy functionality, but this would be a helpful attribute have in scope for that.

  • Thanks Michael - I'm not sure tbh. I'm not an integrations specialist. I guess it would be useful to have at course creation, but there may be a need to pull through if courses are created later, or if things change.

  • At a minimum, it seems like this should be settable via the API.

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