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Panopto does not record Powerpoint, our screens (or anything but our own faces)
in General Q&A
Dear all,
we are supposed to use Panopto to record classes for the upcoming term. However, we (Mac Users) cannot seem to manage to record anything but our own faces. My colleague does not succeed in adding a secondary source - despite ticking the box, the program does not recognize Powerpoint. I tried to help him out and downloaded a trial version myself. While I managed to select Powerpoint as a source (in the browser version), Panopto only recorded me, but not my screen.
We tried to contact our support and multiple colleagues, but without success. Please indicate how we can overcome this problem
Best regards,
Hi Anne,
It is possible that your Security and Privacy settings for your Mac need to be altered in order to let Panopto Capture in Chrome capture your screen. Typically, you are prompted by Chrome to make this change when Capture first launches in your browser and you choose to record a screen, but if not, you can make the change by opening System Preferences, then Security and Privacy. In Security and Privacy, select Privacy at the top, scroll down to Screen Recording, then check the box for Google Chrome. Chrome will need to restart for the change to take effect. I hope that fixes the issue!
What if screen reading does not show up in my list under privacy on my Mac?
Thank you for the answer.
However, we have the same problem as Vincent Patarino: "screen reading" is not an option on our Macs. We also found that screen and mic are recorded if the camera is switched off. So basically, what is impossible for us is simultaneous recording of speaker on camera and screen (=secondary source). If the camera is removed, it works fine.
@Anne-Maria Fehn I'm sorry my suggestion above did not resolve your issue. Is your colleague using a paid version of Panopto? If so, can you let me know their name/organization? - I can loop in our support team to get some additional help troubleshooting.
@Vincent Patarino I reached out to your Panopto administrator at your school about your issue. She has asked me to submit a Support ticket on your behalf, so I will do that and they should be in touch soon.
@Kathryn: Thanks a lot. My colleague is using Panopto with an account from the University of Porto (UP), Portugal.
Thank-you! Not too many people on my campus use a Mac. I had to use my work computer (PC) all day today instead of using my Mac at home!