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Change picture-in-picture position for video podcasts

I have just started using this feature a lot (because of Covid-19, obviously) and would like to be able to move my little talking head.
The way I design my slides means that the picture-in-picture cuts off content in the bottom-right corner, and I really don't have time to redesign every PowerPoint at the moment (!). Being able to move "me" to the top right-hand corner would solve 90% of my problems.
However, I guess that those you use non-Latin alphabets, whose slides don't read from top-left to bottom-right, might prefer other options.
So, please could the inset picture appear in any one of the four corners?
Hi Jim,
You can actually already change this! Just go to your video settings, select outputs, and then change the video podcast type.
Side by Side will give you what you are looking for I think. The presenter will not be on top of the presentation but next to it.
You could also choose "secondary only" and get rid of the talking head altogether from the view.
Please find more detailed instruction here: How to Change the Format and Preview the Podcast Version of Videos
I don't think Jim's question was answered here and I'm also curious. Is it at all possible to change the position of the picture in picture format to accommodate a lower left or upper left position? Picture in Picture defaults to lower right - but this isn't ideal for me (or Jim apparently).
Another question: what are the specs for the lower right position as it is? Is there a way you could tell me the horizontal position from top left and the vertical position from top left?
@Brian McWhorter
It currently isn't possible to change the position of the primary stream in the picture in picture format, but that is a great feature request if you'd like to submit it here: