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All Zoom recorded streams not getting imported.
in Zoom
We have Zoom setup to record all 4 streams (Active Speaker, Gallery, Gallery + Screen, and Screen). So we expect those all to show up in Panopo. They do some of the times. A pattern I have noticed is that if the meeting does not have a screen share then Panopto only inports the gallery view steam(even tho Zoom did record multiple streams) In my mind it shoud import both active speaker AND gallery view, in other words every stream Zoom records. Is there any controls that I am missing?
I asked this in the Panopto/Zoom Webcast today and they asked me to post here. Here are a few screenshots of settings we have.
Hi Lucas,
We actually do import all available streams. However, we have a smart stream selection logic to select the streams that create the best experience watching the Zoom meeting in Panopto. If you have creator rights to a Zoom meeting, you can open it up in the Panopto editor and you will see all the streams like Active speaker, Gallery view etc. You will notice that there are cuts applied as a result of our smart stream selection, but you can always change this and customize the experience you want for that particular meeting.
Hope that helps. Please let us know if you need more details on this topic.
It imports all streams if a screen is shared as some point during the meeting. If not 2 streams are generated by Zoom with our current settings (Speaker View and Gallery View) but the integration imports only the Gallery view and not the Speaker view. We do have a ticket open with support and that has generated a feature request on behalf of our company.
Interesting that with our settings the integration is actually destroying content that I set to be generated (Speaker View Zoom Recording) .
We were having this problem too. Then we realized the usernames in Zoom did not match those in Panopto, so no automatic integration. We have had to manually download the Zoom videos to our devices, then upload to Panopto.
We had such a difficult time as we did not know the usernames had to match.
@Sandy Dewey That is a completely unrelated to my problem.
I am seeing the same issue as Lucas. I have my Zoom user settings exactly the same as his above, but when I do a meeting, I do not see active speaker view. Gallery view seems to overwrite and take over.
If I want to see active speaker view, I need to uncheck Gallery view under "Record active speaker, gallery view, and shared screen separately." Then I get active speaker view in the Primary stream window in Panopto and it will switch between people as you think it would.
When I open up the editor, I do not see all the streams as Meghal mentions, just a P1 (gallery view) and S1 (screen share) To be fair, I am recording myself on 2 devices (computer and phone, and just muting one mic to the next to use the other one.
In the advanced Training webinar in late March, it was clearly stated around 26:13 that "if you're recording Gallery view there will also be another option to view that here." However, it looks like Gallery View is in the primary stream window, though at some point towards the end gallery view pops up in the secondary source window a couple of times, so I'm a little confused as well. The link to the recording is
I also have a situation with having 2 personal folders it appears one as unified\<username> and the other with my email address with the same username, and some Zoom streams go to one folder and some go to the other. Somehow I think I have 2 admin accounts, so I wonder if I delete a user and/or folder that would fix the issue...
Did you get it figured out, Kevin Hartman?
@Jeremy Smith Yes we did. We were still on the V1 integration and not V2. I was also told if the meeting has more than 3 people in attendance, the gallery view is not recorded.
@Kevin Hartman Your last comment might need clarifying. I think that with fewer than 3 active speakers only the gallery view is captured (i.e. no active speaker view) but with 3 or more active speakers then the active speaker view is also captured along with the gallery view.
@Clinton Caudell that is correct, eventually we did get that straightened out with everything else along with getting on v2.0 and things are working as expected.