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Why is this so hard to purchase?
in General Q&A
I have been searching Google for half an hour trying to purchase Panopto Pro, or download the free version and then upgrade to Pro. It's like they don't want people to buy their software. I can't find anything. Their website just has a button to request a free trial... which I filled out. I got a phone call and the rep said since our company is smaller than 100 employees, I would have to use a Pro account... but he never sent me anything or told me how to get it. So... how do you buy this software? What's the magic URL???
I guess I am misunderstanding this software. Do I have to be invited by a Panopto employee to setup an account and begin a subscription? There's literally not a single link online to begin an account to this software as a producer/administrator. I've never had a more difficult time trying to give someone money for something.
Usually Panopto is purchased by a company or corporation and then made available to their employees but you can purchase your own account at this link.