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Make Panopto captions easier to read in viewer
I am attaching two images. One is what the transcripts look like live with Zoom and the other is the same video and transcript from Panopto for comparison. . I am hoping you guys can make the transcripts show up similar to Zoom which makes it a lot easier to read through and see who's speaking. Things to notice on the Zoom image: 1. Time stamp is on the left making it much easier for the eye to negotiate reading the transcripts and seeing the time. 2. Speaker's name is bold making it obviously easier to read between speech and name of the speaker
Please improve the whole captioning experience. It's shockingly poor:
Last updated April 28th? Can we have a more recent progress update please?
Local site specific dictionary and ability to learn words are both important for technical and academic vocablary. These are the most frequently dropped or mis-understood words in ASR captions. So even though ASR may be ~90% accurate, if the inaccurate 10% are key words the whole meaning can be lost.
What I miss the most i to be able to put an end time to a caption. If I for some reason do not want a caption to be visible the hole time.
@Johny Jacques , does this address your post? There's a setting in Zoom where you can choose how the speaker name will be displayed in the transcript and video/captions. Option (1) for "speaker's name + : ", OR option (2) capture name of speaker in video.
THIS IS WHAT OPTION 1 LOOKS LIKE (speaker name in transcript and captions)
THIS IS WHAT OPTION 2 LOOKS LIKE (speaker name in video only):
@Johny Jacques , Does this answer your question? I've been experimenting a little on how to keep student privacy for Zoom recordings automatically uploaded in Panopto. I found two Zoom settings that will render the following results.
SAMPLE 1 - No video gallery displayed. When speaking, the speaker's name appears in the transcript and in the captions.
SAMPLE 2 - No video gallery displayed. When speaking, the speaker's name only appears embedded in the video.