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Is there an Iframe API? Possible to set cross-origin requests?
in API
Hi all,
I would like to embed Panopto videos in an external web application. For this we would like to access the content of the iframe and use e.g. classic JavaScript functions of the video tag (e.g. onplay etc.).
My question:
Is there an Iframe API to access this content (maybe similar to the YouTube Iframe API (
Or is it at least possible to set cross-origin requests for the embedded iframes?
Best regards
Hi Alexander,
We do not currently offer a Javascript API to interact with embedded video, but it is something we are working on for the future.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Kevin,
thanks for the answer.
Is there the possibility to set cross-origin-requests for iframes, so i can access the inner content of the iframe?