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At Panopto, we love how committed our customers are to making Panopto a better product - please feel free to share your feature ideas or vote on existing ideas in this category!

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Private Assignment Feedback

edited May 2020 in Feature Requests

A good feature for VLE/LMS integrations would be to pass implicit permissions from the VLE to Panopto in certain situations. E.g. if a student records a video as part of an assignment submission, only the teacher is able to access the video by default (and vice-versa for teacher feedback to the student. This happens with the PoodLL plugin for Moodle: https://moodle.org/plugins/assignfeedback_poodll and aside from the long processing times that service incurs, the experience is very simple for the student and teacher, and therefore relatively free of risk for the institution.

Also, when adding video through Forum editors, if there was a way to default to the course-level Panopto folder for view permissions, it would make the experience that bit easier for the participants.

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