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Assignment Feedback Function

We would like to have a simple means of allowing our teaching staff to leave private video feedback (typically on Assignments) for their students via our VLE (Moodle). Also, a way to provision an Assignment folder that only teachers can view the contents of, whilst still allowing students creator access to the parent course folder would be handy.
There may be a way of doing this with folder structures that I just haven't figured out yet, so help would be appreciated if it is already possible!
See section 3 here:
I think by default only the instructor can see all the contents of the assignment folder, students can only see the recordings they themselves have uploaded there. I'm not sure if giving a student Creator access on a parent folder is a good idea as you stated, they could potentially delete or edit a needed lecture recording.
As for student feedback, I've had instructors record a feedback video to their My Folder, and share the link only with that specific student via that recording's share settings.
Thanks Kevin; I realise I might now need to make some changes to the settings in Moodle. I'd set the students to have creator permissions so they could easily record to the course folder from forums etc., but I'll look to do this with a sub-folder instead. The need for instructors to manually share their feedback is a little awkward, but I'll update our guidance to inform them of this.
All the best and thanks again!
I suggested Panopto allow faculty (and optionally students) the ability to leave video feedback in the timeline of a video. Like soundcloud but with video feedback. Using the web recorder, this could be really cool.
I do this now, but only by creating a separate video and including the URL in my feedback to the student. Our faculty would gladly use an easier method of giving video feedback to students on a Blackboard assignment. Great idea!! Something like a video feedback button they could click and record and that video goes right in the feedback would be amazing!!!