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Notification in Panopto folder when course title modification occurs in Moodle
When supplying courses from Moodle to Panopto, only the original title of the course is taken into account as the title of the directory created in Panopto. Would it be possible to have a notification of the Panopto block when changing the course title in Moodle so that the user can choose if he wants to keep the old title of the directory in Panopto or if he wants to update it with new title instead ? Indeed, this will greatly facilitate the task of our teachers during the academic year when courses names are potentially subjects to change.
Thank you in advance for your work and have a nice afternoon.
Best regards,
Monica Loupot
In a related issue. In our Integration with D2L, the course folder gets the name from D2L - that is correct and it should be that way. But, we do not want teachers to purposely or by accident change the name of the top class folder!!!! We already have this issue one time, a faculty thought it was changing an assignment folder name and it actually changed the class folder name! Is there a way to prevent this? users should not be able to change the folder names for the class folders, or the My Folder. Only the subfolders they created themselves.