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Option to deploy Panopto Videos so they are responsive

I'd like to be able to (easily) deploy a few videos on a screen so they are also responsive.
Maybe three across in a row, several rows. So that it looks good. I guess the Rolls Royce version would have several videos you can click on, and they open up nicelyu. I have tried putting panopto videos in responsive Bootstrap cards, but it has not worked.
The coding for this should be possible, especially with Bootstrap.
I have posted here: and @Kathryn suggested this may be a possible feature request.
Hi @Derek Chirnside ,
I agree that the video player should be responsive by default. But until they fix that, here's the workaround:
Go here:
Click Generic iFrame and paste the Panopto embed code into the field.
Then click Embed.
You will see a preview of the video.
Scroll down to copy the responsive embed code.