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Search box for Panopto Express
The Search feature in Panopto is excellent.
It would be great if a similar Search feature was available in Panopto Express.
When you use the Send to Classroom option it is very tedious having to trawl through the list of classroom entries displayed there.
Thanks, Adrian
If you are talking about Panopto Express, the standalone capture tool (, that recorder is still in Beta. At our university, we have the tool off until it is out of Beta, but it is eventually coming to the core Panopto product. This will produce sessions that are very similar to what is produced by the desktop recorder.
Once released, the new tool will be branded "Panopto Capture" (
If you want to make videos with Panopto Express and import them into your Panopto environment, you should be able to do that by downloading the file to your computer, then upload it to Panopto. This will index the video and make it searchable like any other video would be.