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Minimize Sidebar
I'm a student and I use Panopto to view lectures created by my instructors. I'd like to have the option of minimizing the sidebar within the browser page, because it simply gets in the way of the video, particularly when I resize the browser to anything other than a 16:9 aspect ratio. By default the sidebar is often taking up 1/3 of the screen, and in cases where the window gets resized, display of this sidebar is prioritized over displaying the video, meaning that the sidebar can occupy 2/3 of the window.
Additionally if there were an option to pop the video out of the window, or to use a "Theater Mode", similar to Youtube's, then the ability to focus on the video and the video alone could be increased, if the user so desires.
This is a good request and should take little effort to add this functionality.
I know that the viewer can maximize the window at any time (theater mode) using the maximize button. However, I still believe that there should be this option specially for videos that don't have a speaker/presenter primary video on the top left. It could be just a simple small side tab that is minimized on the side margin and expanded as you click on it. That way as the student says, the viewer can focus on the video and only open the tab when he needs to jump to a section in the content section or do a search. But other than that, it could me minimized on the left side margin of the browser.