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Record Screen & Computer Audio Only on Panopto for Windows

We've received this request a couple times. I don't believe there is a way on Panopto for Windows, or Panopto Capture, to capture "only" a screen but also with Computer Audio.
In Windows there is an option in Advanced Settings to "Allow Secondary Only" recordings, but in order to Capture Computer Audio, you must also record a microphone.
Can we enable a way for "only" screens & computer audio to be recorded using these apps? I believe from memory you can currently do this on Mac (but I could be wrong).
I was able to do this using the Panopto Recorder for Mac, and I know it can also be done in Windows. Select no primary video, select the microphone, and select the secondary computer screen with the computer audio. Before recording, go to System preferences, Sound, Input, in the Mac Microphone lower the mic input volume to zero. Then, go ahead and record with the Panopto recorder. One important point here is to remember that you are doing a screen capture with computer audio. I would not recommend it for a recording of a youtube video for example. If this is the case, it is easier to just insert the Youtube video in the Panopto Editor. Another option is to upload an MP4 of the video to Panopto and use it as a clip with the Panopto editor. Of course, probably the best way is to use a full fledge video editor (Kdenlive, Camtasia, iMovie, etc.) to put together the video and upload the final product to Panopto.
Agree with @Carlos Coronel I believe Camtasia is a good option. One can use it to record video with sound and then edit the recordings directly using its built-in video editor. Recently my sis recommended Joyoshare VidiKit to me. I think it could be a Camtasia alternative as Camtasia cost a lot than average. Outputting your videos in high quality and then uploading it to Panopto sometimes just makes things easier.
If you have an USB mic with a mute button, you can plug that into your machine and just mute the mic. I do that all the time if I need to record an opening or closing "bumper" graphic for a video.