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API for group/role management

in API
I can't find API for group/role management. In fact, the APIs I have found seem pretty sparse. How would I list/add/delete groups/roles and membership?
V, on-prem.
User management is not part of the REST API (yet).
You can use some endpoints in the SOAP API (
Here is the reference for adding a list of users to an internal group:
Reference for UserManagement class:
That documentation appears to be for c#. I have a high level understanding of SOAP. How would I use this documentation w/ other languages?
Sorry for my ignorance.
Hi Kirk,
The SOAP API documentation lists the available calls and classes that can be used in any language, though the documentation is based in .NET. You can also look at the WSDL directly for the User Management API at https://<YourPanoptoServerName>/Panopto/PublicAPI/4.6/UserManagement.svc?wsdl (please replace "<YourPanoptoServerName>" with the domain to your Panopto server).
In addition, we have some examples in a few different languages posted on our GitHub page (
Is there a specific language your looking for an example from?
I would use Python 3.x or Java.
Hi Kirk,
Unfortunately we do not yet have any examples of our SOAP API using Python 3.x, but we do have some examples in Python 2 on our public GitHub page ( We are working on adding more samples in the future.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.