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Embed API & Canvas
We have a faculty member on our campus who would like to use a Panopto clip in a Canvas quiz but would like to restrict students to only be able to view the video one time.
We thought the new beta Embed API might give us control to allow this, but we aren't sure how to narrow down the javascript to control only videos used in a quiz. With Canvas, we can add JS for the whole institution or at the course level, but at the course level it will affect the whole course. We aren't sure how to target one video in the course.
Has anyone else tried to use the Embed API with Canvas and have any advice or ideas?
For the JS embed API you would need to have an intermediate interface.
You would have the video in Panopto, then the element embedded in the quiz in Canvas, in between you would need your own application that would provision the access and provide the player to Canvas if the student still has access. I guess you could do something where you get rid of the player controls in Canvas, but the student could rewatch by simply reloading the page.
We have been looking for a solution for something like this for quite some time. This API is a start, but we don't have dev time to implement such a solution right now. It would be amazing if there was an option in the RCE tool for Panopto that added a number of watches available to the student. The problem is bigger than just adding the box to the interface, but we have a number of departments that would welcome such a feature.
There are a handful of platforms that offer online quizzing and restrict the number of times a student can watch a video, but they all seem to have flaws that are non-starters.
Hopefully this helps, but let me know if there are any questions that remain.