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JavaScript Embed APIs — Branching Videos
in API
Just finished watching Meghal's overview video of Panopto 9. I would like to get more information on the JavaScript Embed API, specifically relating to the conditional branching videos aspect he mentioned. Is there some documentation somewhere on how that works exactly? I know there's some developer code he linked to, but anything on the Panopto support site?
Kevin Hartman, University at Buffalo
Hi Kevin,
We don't yet have any sample code showing conditional branching using the JavaScript embed API. The only documentation we currently have is the developer API documentation (
There are a couple of ways to handle conditional branching using the JavaScript API. If all of the destinations are in the same Panopto video, you could use the "seekTo()" function of the JavaScript Embed API to seek to the correct position in the video based on their choice. If the user's choice may result in different videos, you could have them make the choice before loading the Embed API, and use that to determine the correct session ID to pass when initializing the Embed API.
Please let me know if you have any other questions. I'll also make a request to the team in charge of this API to see if we could get a sample showing how this could be implemented.
@Kevin Baum Thanks for the update.
Do I need to turn on or create an API on my hosted site, and if so how? I still would need to confer with my other admins to see if this is something people want to think about doing.
Hi Kevin,
Access to the Embed API should already be enabled on your hosted site. You should not need to do anything to start using it.