Automating user provisioning through the API’s
Question on behalf of Keith McArt at HBS:
We will need to create data feeds for user provisioning/deprovisioning, and I don’t think we had much luck figuring out how that is accomplished using the API’s. Is there any documentation or sample code for automating user provisioning through the API’s?
Our solution for delivering the recordings to students relies on the students already having an account before they may have access the platform, so Just-in-time provisioning will not work with our delivery solution.
The goal is to create user accounts for students, faculty and staff BEFORE they have logged into Panopto. This is because our delivery solution requires that our Registrar be able to give a student or faculty access to a recording, and in most cases that will be done before they have logged into the platform. With Just In Time account provisioning (when they log-in), the account will not exist yet for the Registrar to grant the access (and share the link).
So, in order to create the accounts in advance AND to keep them up to date (users may come/go during the school year), we believe we need to integrate with our SIS using informatica feeds.
Please let me know if you have any follow up questions about our use case.
Our SOAP API does support creating new users with the "CreateUser" or "CreateUsers" endpoints ( You can use either of these endpoints to pre-create users before they log in, and those users would then be available to share videos with in Panopto.
I hope that this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Has there been any update on this? I've been on Panopto Enterprise for just as long, and we still struggle getting users pre-populated into the system after they are provisioned in our IDP Okta. A more industry standard solution (integrating with IDP/SSO) would be to provide SCIM compatibility, or at least some REST API endpoints that we could call upon user provisioning.
Hi Taylor,
If your users are logging in with an IdP/SSO, their accounts might not be local accounts, but provided by a named Identity Provider. To this day, SOAP appears to be the only way to pre-populate accounts, so the CreateUser and SyncExternalUser API methods are what we have done in our environment. Here's the SyncExternalUser API method documentation: